Baby,  Diary,  Kids

38 weeks and early signs of delivery

Tomorrow will be 38 weeks. I had an internal exam a week ago and was told that most probably won’t get to my due date as I’m already 2cm dilated and 90% of cervix effaced. I was told that after the exam it’s normal to have some spotting, what I had is heavy flow brownish bleeding with thick mucus. Appeared it was a mucus plug – another sign of a soon labor. A week passed. I’m still here, nothing happens. After reading some forums and having conversations with doctors and other moms discovered that all these things sure are signs of your soon “labor hell” but there thousands of cases when women were even weeks late their due date with 3-4 cm dilated and 100% effaced.  The baby will get out when the baby will know it’s time. And every organism is unique. So don’t stress yourself out if you’re experiencing same things but nothing happens. Just have your “emergency bag” ready by your bed side and take it with you everytime you go somewhere far from home for a walk or a trip. I know you so want to meet your baby already and you’re tired to be pregnant but enjoy these last days while you have a belly and you kid is safe and sound in there. After you will miss it. And if you’re not planning to have more kids you won’t experience that ever again. Enjoy every second of it while you can!