Baby,  Diary,  Kids

Pregnant without pregnancy signs

Aug 17 2017, Thur

25 weeks , day 6

Which apps do you use to track your pregnancy?

When I wasn’t pregnant I thought I’ll be the most craziest person who will journal and track every second of my pregnancy with thousand pictures of my belly and day-to-day crazy cravings list. But here I am – with two empty “Baby Journals/Diaries” , couple of ultrasound pictures and three pictures of my belly… I didn’t even had cravings! Honestly my pregnancy was (I’m sorry “it still IS”)  so easy that I even can’t understand that I’m pregnant. Thank to stepping into the second trimester I’ve started to feel kicks and movements, that’s the only thing that now reminding me someone is inside me. All the movies and stories of our friends saying that pregnant woman should be nauseated 24/7 and crave fried salt strawberry with a sand on a side. I wasn’t one of those. I’ve never felt toxicated , what is HUGE surpise for me as usually it was very easy to trigger vomiting in me.  When I was a kid I couldn’t do turns and take a ride on a car or bus. Anyway I hadn’t all those signs of pregnancy others do. The only thing that changed in my life for now is I don’t drink (which honestly is hard for me – I love red wine). Oh and I can’t wear heels and dresses as I don’t fit in them anymore.

That makes me feel bad as I’m afraid I will be not that mom everyone expecting me to be. And I would be all over my kid .

The apps I use to track my pregnancy:

BabyCenter – it has videos of a baby on that stage and lots of polls, tips and articles.

Ovia Pregnancy – they have pictures of an actual size hand and foot. They also have a lot of useful information

Pregnancy – It’s a very compact app that has a weight of your baby at that stage, length, it shows weights comparing it to veggies or fruits so you could understand it better. They inform about baby skills at that week, your uterus size. Just a little information comparing to the other two apps but very on point and short.