Baby,  Diary,  Kids

Tad coughing injection while pregnant

On one of my routine visits back in September (two month before my due date) my doctor said that now will send for a nurse to do the tad coughing injection and flu shot that I’m agreed too. My eyes were on my forehead : “What have I agreed to? Was I unconscious when I did so??? Because I don’t remember to agreeing to anything after I’ve got my bill for $38,000 for a genetic test after I also “agreed to that” “. He was confused but decided to remind what those injections are for. After some “blah blah blah important blah can die blah no negative results on baby blah you have to”, I said I have to Google it. Yes it may sound stupid to say that and when a doctor recommends a certain prenatal treatment such as the Tdap shot, no doubt most pregnant patients trust the doctor’s advice and assume that the shot has been proven safe and won’t in any way harm her baby. … But my non-scientific brain can’t seem to make sense why I would give an under developed fetus a live vaccine when a doctor’s office wouldn’t give a child the vaccine until at least 2 months. I started to get suspicious about the vaccination requirements when my doctor said it is recommended to have it with each pregnancy. Just a note, I am Russian and most of my friends have had a pregnancy in different countries, and this is absolutely the first time I have ever heard of vaccines being given to pregnant women. I am just about confident that this is a uniquely American practice. And Isn’t the Tdap shot supposed to last for 10 years? If I need to have the shot with each pregnancy, then do daycare workers caring for infants have to have the shot every year? How about pediatricians, OB-GYNs, and Perinatologists? None of this makes sense. Why not recommend getting these vaccinations (i.e. flu and Tdap) a few months before pregnancy? Why introduce toxins into a fetus’ environment while he/she is developing neurologically and physically? And Thanks God I did refused to do it and googled it first.

First results that pop up on Google all saying how great that this thing exists  and  there’s no evidence to suggest that the whooping cough vaccine is unsafe for you or your unborn baby. … The MHRA’s study of around 20,000 vaccinated women has found no evidence of risks to pregnancy or babies. But the truth is that the Tdap shot aka Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis has never been proven safe for use during pregnancy. In fact, Tdap is classified by the FDA as a Class C drug. “Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.” The fact is, THIS SHOT IS UNSTUDIED IN PREGNANT WOMEN AND HAS DEMONSTRATED FETAL DAMAGE IN ANIMALS. If you get it, you are a guinea pig. AND, women are reporting miscarriages from it. Anecdotal, but seriously worrisome. What is occurring right now IS the test. Big Pharma and the AMA seem to have no issues with having mothers and babies as guinea pig test subjects.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women are vaccinated against whooping cough, but the World Health Organization stated that there is not sufficient evidence to recommend the vaccine to pregnant women.

Upon my researching I find the most proof is talking with the parents of vaccine injured children or those who have even lost them right after vaccinating. There are too many for it not to be correlated:

“After receiving vaccine during pregnancy, baby has muscle disease and mitochondrial defect affecting all muscles In body including lungs heart and no reason for this.”

A lot of emails with stories from pregnant women who miscarried within hours or days of the TDAP or had serious problems with the pregnancy develop right after.

“My youngest daughter got this shot at 5 months of her 1st pregnancy and started having pre eclampsia symptoms that her doctor totally over looked till she was 33 weeks along and we almost lost both of them. Mommy and baby. She had baby Gabe and he spent time in NNICU. Fast forward to her 2nd pregnancy a year later they insisted on 2 shots this time at just 2 months into pregnancy. the DTAP and not sure what other was but our Mikey was born with half of eye in left eye socket and lots other troubles. I blame the vaccines”.

“I got this vaccine Thursday, September 22nd. 37 weeks + 1. My 7 pound 1 ounce baby passed away for no reason that following Monday. I don’t know if it had anything to do with the vaccine but I had a perfect pregnancy, perfect birth (even though he wasn’t alive when I had to push him out) perfect placenta.”

“33 weeks pregnant. This week lost the baby within days of getting Tdap”

“I was given the shot and roughly a week and a half my baby was found with no heartbeat. The morning after getting the shot I have a recording of his heart rate and it was very fast. Not sure if its just a coincidence or if the shot had anything to do with my baby dying at 33 weeks. I know no one will ever admit if that is what happened but I am so heartbroken right now loseing my sweet baby boy, and every test is coming back healthy so I just don’t know what happened.”

“We lost my granddaughter at 33 weeks gestation, less than two weeks after my daughter-in-law received the vaccine. Path ologies and genetic reports found no problems. I suspect the vaccine.”

Tdap Shot Pushed on Pregnant Women Despite Fetal Risks but Is the Tdap Shot Worth the Risk?

The decision whether or not to accept the doctor’s recommendation and receive vaccination with Tdap despite the potential risks to the fetus essentially boils down to one thing:

Is the Tdap vaccine really effective at preventing whooping cough?

Cocooning: A Failed Strategy

The answer to this critical question is a resounding NO as attempts to prevent infants from getting pertussis via vaccination have failed despite a big push to immunize mothers and everyone who will potentially be in contact with the baby after birth, a strategy known as “cocooning”.

In fact, as of June 30, 2012, Australia officially abandoned its funding of the cocooning strategy. Why? Because clinical evidence revealed that Tdap was ineffective at protecting infants.

More damning evidence of the ineffectiveness of the pertussis vaccine is evident in the current outbreak in Washington State.  Dr. DeBolt of the Washington Department of Health indicated that Washington has very high vaccination rates with only a 4% exemption rate amongst school age children. Despite these high vaccination rates, Dr. DeBolt also reports that the Washington Health Department has been “flooded” with phone calls from concerned parents questioning the effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine and demanding to know why their child had contracted whooping cough despite being completely up to date on pertussis shots.

You will start to notice all the inconsistencies and completely unnecessary shots that are pushed on children and now pregnant women with no testing to ensure safety. Just say no! It is bordering on medical fascism what is going on. Opt out so you or your child don’t become a statistic. Of course, if you say anything to the OB about it, “it was just a coincidence”. Vaccines are presumed to be totally safe in all situations. They are not safe, they are loaded with toxins, and you are in danger and putting your baby in danger if you get them especially when pregnant.

Don’t take your doctor’s word … do your own research before saying yes to any procedure or medication. It’s horrifying what’s happening to people who have SO much faith in the medical industry and to people who keep their heads buried in the TV commercials.